The illustrated annotated Woolen Mills walking tour pauses at 1701 Woolen Mills Road. We visited fourteen structures in the residential mill village. To the east, north, west and south are more homes awaiting description, more people who were part of the village,
Mr. Huja’s 1976 statement bears repeating:

All cities contain areas, sites, or structures of architectural and/or historical interest or significance. Such structures and areas contribute to the particular uniqueness of each city and form an important part of that city’s physical and cultural heritage which, if lost, cannot be replaced.

It is our hope that these photographs will encourage friends of the Woolen Mills to reacquaint with the neighborhood. This is the home-place: some families have moved on; some families have stayed put; some new folk have moved in. The Woolen Mills, though no longer a family by blood, is a family by location and good fortune. The mill village retains its sweet geographic spot and its long historic legacy.
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